The latest farm comes to you from Colombia, located in the Valle del Cauca. Due to the steady and perfect weather, this farm provides outstanding conditions in-order to provide you with our premium flowers. We are currently shipping all flowers from Colombia to the Netherlands only. After our in-house quality check they will continue to the Dutch auctions.
Next to flowers, we also have a cattle project with 900 grazing cows and 100 milk cows. These cows take care of the estate and provide the region with great grass-fed beef, milk and cheese.
Health and Labor:
- Female employees: 60% rising to 75% when production starts
- On-site first aid location
- Cooperation with two primary schools for painting and maintenance of buildings
- Cooperation with SENA: The National Training Service (Spanish: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, SENA) is a Colombian public institution aimed to develop vocational training programs for the Colombian labour force as a means to increase the competitiveness of Colombia’s enterprises. It’s a government initiative to develop education in Colombia and foment employment.
- Re-Planting of 3500 trees on annual basis, This project will be continued for the coming years
- Construction of retention reservoirs to prevent flooding of the lower part of the valley including the adjacent villagers after heavy rainfall.
- The cattle on the farms consists op 150 dairy cows, and 800 cows for meat production. All meat and milk is sold to regional companies. A part of the milk is used for local cheese processing.
- The farm has incorporated a re-integration programme for victims of crime in the labour policy. Also a programme for single mothers is in place, to make sure they can manage their family with a steady monthly income.